Goat Up details
Goat Up
  • Gaming App of the day on Kotaku
  • Metacritic score 80
  • Pocket Gamer loved it : Like Doodle Jump on absinthe, GoatUp is another welcome dose of Minter madness.
  • Touch Gen says : I love it, and every reference to the games of my youth sends chills of joy down my spine..

Your goal is to raise a family - as high as you can! Kiss billy goats and eat grass to get kids. Keep jumping to lead your flock as high as you can. On the way you'll encounter various enemies, pass through zones inspired by the history of platform gaming, and collect hundreds of unique bonus items.

Read more on the blog  What is the Minotaur Project

Category : jumping survival game

Jump and go as high as you can while collecting bonuses and raising up a goat family.

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Some customers reviews

Stark raving genius

by Chhum

GoatUp is Llamasoft's first ever platform game, is arguably their most accomplished iOS title to date, and is just outrageously good fun.

Addictive, fun and well tuned

by BBA memories

My first Llamasoft game was GridRunner for the VIC and down the years I've played many of their games. I've not loved all of them (Mama Llama I'm looking at you) but there have been some out and out gems like Ancipital and Batalyx.


by Abused Dog

Arguably simpler and less frantic than Llamasoft's other offerings, this is still seriously addictive stuff. Pitch perfect controls as usual, and with their trademark crazy aesthetic. I'm seriously bad at it, though. Can't work out how others are getting such high scores... :(

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Beam me up Scotty!