Format: PC / Pocket PC

Welcome to Deflex, the fluffy, frolicsome action / puzzle game for the PC and Pocket PC. This challenging and humorous game of dexterity and skill has a pedigree of over 20 years. Featuring fifty increasingly challenging levels and far more sheep than your average game, Deflex is a rip-roaring update to the Llamasoft classic.

Demo (PC) / Demo (Pocket PC)

Gridrunner++ Hover Bovver 2
gridrunner Take a trip to the Zone in the twitch gaming, retina scorching, psychedelic Llamasoft classic, Gridrunner++. Updated for Mac OS X and PC... hbovver Slapstick comedy and addictive gameplay in this unqiue game that gently parodies an English suburban ritual - mowing the lawn on a Sunday afternoon...!

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